Understanding Domestic Violence: Legal Protection and Support

Domestic violence is a social problem that touches the lives of several people worldwide. There are different types of abuse which include; physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse. As scholars and jurists like to remind their audiences, consequences linger for a very long time, not only in terms of psychological trauma but also the physical ordeal. Fortunately, the legal systems around the world have come up with legal foundation known as domestic violence law to protect the victims. So if someone is a victim of abuse, should it be you or a friend or a loved one, it is very important that you learn your rights and going to a domestic violence attorney is necessary.

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence was defined as any repeating pattern of behavior learnt by one member of the partnership with a view of exerting control over the other. This may happen in marriage, common law relationships or even between family members. Domestic violence occurs when there is physical force, harassment, threatening behavior, denigration, financial domination, psychological pressure, and sexual coercion. Bully has the ability to control their target in that they make it hard for them to let go of the situation.

Types of Domestic Violence

  1. Physical Abuse: This include cases of the use of a fist on the body or an object, slapping, pushing or kicking or any form of physical aggression.
  2. Emotional or Psychological Abuse: As much as this can be in any form, it largely entails making the victim feel helpless or unimportant.
  3. Sexual Abuse: This includes acts such as making someone have sexual contact when they do not want to make this kind of contact.
  4. Financial Abuse: It is also common in this type of abuse the real power, where the abuser takes total control of the financial aspect of the victim’s life.
  5. Verbal Abuse: This encompasses daily insults, putting down the victim or the use of abusive language to the victim.

Domestic Violence Law: Your Legal Protection

For most nations, domestic violence law offers a legal shield to the victims. These laws merely aim to protect the probable victims, provide them with protection and assistance, and to prosecute the offenders. While domestic violence law contains provisions regarding how a restraining order might be obtained, whether the victim can receive custody of any children, and how he or she may obtain support.

In India, the stronger Domestic Violence Act was passed in 2005 to cover the women in a much better way from the severities of the domestic violence. The law enforcement includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional and economic abuse, and the victims are allowed to apply for protection orders, residence orders and maintenance orders. This also include the provisions of protection officers in order to assist victims in reporting the case and avail services like shelter and counseling.

What a Domestic Violence Lawyer Can Do

A victim of domestic violence should seek the services of a domestic violence lawyer so that they can be informed on their rights and the procedure to follow. A domestic violence lawyer is tailor-made for handling matters concerning abuse and can help in presenting complaints or protection orders and attend to you as your attorney. It can assist you in seeking justice from the abuser by not only offering legal support but also providing you with legal protection from further abuse.

  1. Filing Complaints and Legal Actions: A domestic violence lawyer will take you through the process of filing complaints that will trigger investigation from the police.
  2. Obtaining Protection Orders: If the abuser is a potential danger to your life, a domestic violence lawyer will assist you to get an order that will prevent the abuser from coming near you or your family.
  3. Divorce and Custody Issues: If the case is in marriage, the domestic violence lawyer can help with filing for a divorce as well as child custody.
  4. Financial Support: You have the right to be provided for by your spouse whether through maintenance or alimony if he or she is the abuser.

LawChef for Domestic Violence Victims

At LawChef, we know how much emotional and psychological damage can be inflicted to a victim of domestic violence. We offer all forms of legal assistance in cases of domestic violence as the victim seeks protection and justice as they need. If you require advice for getting an order of protection or filing for divorce, and where you want to be a caregiver for your children, Get Domestic Violence Lawyers and we will help you through the process.

The domestic violence lawyers at our firm are committed to making sure that victims of domestic violence understand their rights under the law and are connected with proper legal support in order to free themselves from an abusive relationship. Our attorneys strive and make sure that you get the protection and justice the law offers in any legal matter you have.


Domestic violence is an urgent social problem that touches millions of people, and only asking for assistance can help escape domestic violence. As for the legal assistance in the case of domestic violence, a domestic violence lawyer and domestic violence law will help a victim gather the strength and get all the necessary support to become independent and build a life far from an aggressor. In order to get a professional and qualified legal opinion if you or any of your relatives are subjects of domestic violence, it is necessary to address a lawyer.

LawChef Law Firm has specialized Legal Services in Domestic Violence matters hence clients seeking such services are assured specialist Legal Help and true companionary through this difficult and sensitive process. Contact us today for professional assistance on domestic violence law and step out to a better tomorrow.